
Something drove me to actually create this site. What that was, I’m not entirely sure. Not that it matters, right? I’m here now and I’m ready to talk, teach, interact, and enjoy.

Who am I? Well, when I figure it out, I’ll let you know. I’ll give you some insights that aren’t covered in a resume. I’m a father of two boys. I’m a Star Wars fan. Information Technology and Information Security geek. Oh, and I love Linux. Usually RHEL, but I’ve been playing with Debian-based lately. In fact, as I type this, I’m doing so on my Parrot OS laptop.

Let’s what else can I bore you with? I enjoy music: rock, metal, punk, country, and blues. Crossovers and fusions of the aforementioned are also acceptable.

I enjoy technology. A lot. Whether it is talking about something like the latest developments in robotics and AI, the application of HPC with regards to weather or space, or whatever. I also enjoy intelligent legal discussions and hell, I’ll debate anything. Pick a topic, pick a side, and let’s do it. It’s great to expand your mind.

Which brings me to why I’m here. I want to help expand your mind. While I’m here, I’m also going to expand mine.