First Post!

Those of you that have been around the internet a while, may remember that from earlier sites, Slashdot, specifically. I figured it’s a good way to start. What will I be doing here in my own little slice of internet heaven?

If you answered “Whatever the hell he wants” you are absolutely correct! Give yourself an Internet Point!

But seriously, I will be covering a variety of topics. Yes, IT and InfoSec. Of course, Linux. I’ll review things from time to time, just because I like to try new things. Maybe some discussions regarding laws and current events. I’ll throw in my fatherly observations and give advice. I know I’ll be inspired by news or something I read on social media. When that happens, I’ll make sure to link to the inspiring thought!

Lean back, kick your feet up, take a nice sip of that drink, and sit a while and enjoy!


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